The greatest white dot on a cloudless dark night
The sunlight reflects to my unworthy eyes
Endlessly shifting, your core out of sight
I'm compelled to reflect on your ominous size
I'm a pixel 'gainst your stark verity
Comets, like moths, accept your influence
I have thoughts of your violence and gravity
If left up to you there'd be cosmic convergence
Your unworldly mass never fails to astound me
As I gaze awestruck 'cross the vacuum void
Not the greatest by far but the brightest I see
Oft mistook for a star, from influence devoid
The titanic bulk of your gaseous sea
What cosmic secrets are veiled in your depth?
Masked by your tempest in wild urgency
Centuries taken to rethread your weft
O Jupiter, leave me to steer my existence
I'll leave you to yours and your stoic resistance
Esra Sloblock