Daegal - The Old Town in Winter, Sights and Thoughts Thereupon After Receiving Wonderful News

2014-06-13 3

Dead. The Winter silence amplified by
Muted objections from the misty ghosts
Which prowled the murky streets like a cheerless
Ariel. Stark murmurs of a twisting
Breeze whistled tunelessly throughout. The cold
Stalked the soggy avenues like Death turned
Frigid, and even the habitu’lly
Glowing flares which smothered the walkways with
Their tiny tongues seemed to shine more pallid
In this filthy quarter of the Old Town.
The moon and ev’ry star were openly
Veiled behind a thick vein of dusty cloud,
And save for the clock tower tolling two-
Fold, the presence of time was neither a
Thing apparent, nor considered. I sat
Alone beside my window, peering out
Shamelessly, across the gulf patterned
Lights which paraded an image of a
Stranded Heaven.

Perhaps God has let His
Faithful Fravaši show themselves while their
Souls are deep in slumber.

The dose of shade
Did not quell my humour, and as I
Rested upon the sill of my chamber,
My mind let me once more relish contracts
Which confirmed that I was to be the most
Great and famous of all romantics. A king
Of notorious tragedy and sweet
Misfortune. Romeo. I could not help
But fashion a smile in the darkness, though
My mind was tired, my heart still beat ardent.

I must meet with Nicholas the morrow,
Faith, grant me the consoling embrace of
Sleep, and in the morning will I transform
So magic’lly that Ovid will feel much
Depleted. Goodnight, by the Grace of God.


