I must do this thing
It is what i need for me
Why cant you see that
How long must i wait
When there is no positive
For me to work with
The boy wishes it so
The man wishes it so
In death they will know
The child yearns for love
The father cannot show openly
The love disperses
It is done this way
The man dictates not teaches
The boy will not learn
How can love have limits
You either love or you don't
Love should change not die
When a heart is broken
A part of the soul goes too
It can be reborn
The journey starts now
It will take time and effort
It will not be easy
How do i let go
When you are a guide in life
Can you ever let go
How much time have you
How much longer will it take
Is forever to long
What of the young man
His guide should not be TV
He needs a father near
The young man is crying
Don't you be a wimp now son
Youths don't show the pain
You need to be tough
Get used to it just like me
Didn't do me any harm
Do as you are told!
Don't say anything or backchat me!
Later.... Why won't you talk..?
What do you fear most
That life will be empty and void
You must fix the hole
Be quiet in this house
Your opinion doesn't matter
Why do i feel mute?
A big strong man walks
But what horrors are inside
What of the small boy
A young man feels fear
Hide it away don't you show it
The man inside dies
Abig strong father
Cannot show emotion, why
Tell me you love me
Big boys don't cry
How do you stop once started
Don't start to begin
John Winter