Danny Speicher - For Whom I Love

2014-06-13 0

The wind comes down from the mountaintop
To bring a fresh air to me
And in the breath I take, so deep
I, once again, feel so free
And I take the moment to thank the Lord
For the day that He has made
And I lay back and ponder His love
In the willowed tree's kind shade
The winter was so harsh, so cold
But, now the spring is nigh
And, I praise Him for His love and care
As I slowly close my eyes
I dream of all my life has been
And all that is waiting for me
I dream of those of whom I've loved
And how they've set me free
But, most of all I dream of those
Who have given me their hearts
Those who have cried on my shoulder
And needed me from the start
Those are the ones I long to help
And keep me going from day to day
Those are the ones I have a heart for
And for whom I daily pray
Lord, I pray that you'll always let me
Be a shelter for those who are hurt
And a liberator to set them free

((February 2nd,2001))

Danny Speicher
