Danny Speicher - The Light is Shining Still

2014-06-13 4

The sky is filled with clouds and rain
The ground trembles with its power
Each bolt of lightning lighting the night sky
Each minute counting down each hour
The fear is there within each heart
And hope flees with each passing thought
It seems that as hard as humanity tried
The struggles for peace were all for naught
In the distance the clouds are broken
The sun shines brightly through
And all the fear you've ever had
Is met by a peace so new
Each dropp of rain now falls as light
In a rainbow of hope and love
And each new bolt of lightning seems so dim
From the sun shining from above
The storm still surrounds your life
But, the light is shining still
Yearning ot reach your broken heart
With a peace that cannot be killed

((September 27th,2001))

Danny Speicher
