Jehovah- Jireh, my provider, You made a-way 'across the Sea...'
Jehovah- Rophe, my great Physician, I was blind 'but now I see...'
There is power-in 'Jehovah-Nissi, ' whose Banner It is Love...
There is power-in 'Jehovah-Nissi' whose Banner- 'It is LOVE...'
Eternal Word- of all the ages, you've Redeemed us by Your Blood...
Emanuel, our redeeming glory, how you've filled us with Your LOVE...
You're the Manna-Bread from Heaven-
You're The Light-, The Truth-, The WAY...
And you came to make us Holy-, as we walk with you each day...
Mighty Father, Eternal Wisdom, You're the 'Rock on which we stand.
Lead us Shepherd, in all your wonder, take us to-that Promise Land.
Your are Je-ho-vah God, Al-mighty; who is worthy to-be- praised...
You are the Rock of our Salvation, the 'Strength-of all-our-days.'
Emanuel-, Lord God who's with us, purify this House-of-clay...
For we honour- the least among us; You're the Potter, we're the clay.
You're The Potter; we're the clay.
You're The Potter, 'we're the clay....'
ArmourQuill Hunter