I’m a delicate soul and my mood can be swept with the wind.
I often experiment with myself psychologically.
Recently I’ve noticed my attention span isn’t what it used
to be. I can’t concentrate for long periods of time.
Sometimes I find I’ve read a whole page without really
hearing it at all.
Is this what all the fuss about attention deficit disorder is,
and is it more prevalent than it’s ever been before?
So I spent the entire week without artificial noise during the day.
I slowly discovered, how much clearer my thinking was,
and how I seemed to be happier and a little calmer than I’ve
been for a long time.............
No television or music.
I need silence like
a flower needs rain.
It was a long weekend
of too many people,
a medley
of noise and movement.
Bird songs and the
water fountain harmonize
from dawn to 4: 00 p.m.,
then they become strangely
silent until sunset.
The neighborhood church bells
chimed promptly at 6: 00 p.m.
Birds scattered and prepared
for an evening of rest
as the sun fell behind
the edge of my world.
*experimental form.. derived from Haibun form
Joyce Chelmo