AHO Speaks - Time To Change

2014-06-13 4

Time will pass and each one of us will be as no more
Also our childrens children to go through the door.
Significant changes start with the inner being
Perception and understanding without the gift of seeing.

Distribution of earthly wealth is not the sole key
Rather fairness and equality based on human dignity.
We live in a nation blest like no other
But we often times forget; who is our sister and who is our brother.

If human denial is practiced and condoned in this land.
How can we recognize others in need who wish to stand.
The world and its inhabitants will not change ove night
But if we as a nation of many do try; ' then it just might'.

Time is fleeting and passing us by
As an individual I'm responsible to try.
Maybe not to change the world and perhaps only me
But that's the begininning of the beginning you see.

AHO Speaks
