Rikki Giovani - Into the Darkness (Part 4 of 5) 'Slumber'

2014-06-13 10

As I walk further into the building
The music becomes deafening
I fall into a sleep
I keep dreaming of the world
How it is and what used to be
There used to be happiness and unity
All there is now is darkness and despair
The shadows now rule the world
Humanity and love are slowly dying
We as a race are becoming extinct
I am given the biggest choice of my life
Be as the others and die unknown
Or stand and fight as a hero once more
I wake in what seems to be a bed
The dreams come rushing back to me
I choose to stand and fight
I gather my thoughts and leave
As I stand in front of a weapons store
I yell ‘I’m Back, go ahead and try to hide’

'12, September,2009'

Rikki Giovani
