C Richard Miles - Two August Stormclouds

2014-06-13 1

August, and a sky
Chaotic as an abstract artist’s canvas:
Thin streaks of filigree
Intertwine with cruder lumps of cumulus
Precursors of sudden summer showers
That lie in wait
To surprise us with their anger.
Calm blue above:
Reminder of the quiet night,
A sea of sheer serenity.

August, and a day
Fantastic as a funfair filled with children:
Thin strands of candyfloss
Intermesh with messier scoops of ice-cream
Precursors of terrible toddler tantrums
That lie in wait
To harry us with their havoc.
Calm rest below:
Reminder of the holiday break,
A haven from the humdrum.

C Richard Miles
