Jennifer Sol - Fever Induced Madness

2014-06-13 4

So deep within my heart
Is a story I hold near
Beaten and abused with time
Still it stands near breaking
On the verge of spilling out
Spreading to ears I do not want to hear
Close your ears, close your eyes
A story is about to be told
Acted on a stage
For all the world to see
A story wrung out of it’s beholder
Desperate and fragile
It begs to stay hidden
Terrified, it clutches at my heart
Sinking in sharp nails
I gasp in pain
My will is strong
I painstakingly pull it away
Draw it out into the open
No longer do I want to be
The only one that knows
I fling it out into the sky
Be free, my dear one
It screeches and howls
It’s anguish tears at my heart
Close your ears, close your eyes
I long for you to know
But I beg of you shut it out
Ignore it’s harsh cries of truth
It’s pleading ambiguity
However fever induced this may be
Hear my words and refuse
The blatant truth my story tells

Jennifer Sol