Patrick Scott Hogg - The Twa Margaret's - the Wigtown Martyrs, Covenantors who were drowned at a low tide stake in galloway Scotland, may 1685

2014-06-13 8

Auld Merrick views o’er Bladnoch burn
That weaves as silk tae Solway’s shore;
Thru fertile lands it twists an’ turns -
It’s flowin’ burden, aft and fore.

Meg Wilson frae Glenvernoch came,
The highest Covenant tae swear;
A virgin blesst in Jesus’ name:
Her will strong, like her flaxen hair.

And Meg McLaughlin’s aged years -
Knew love’s proud veneration;
She faced oppressors without fears,
Refused the Oath of Abduration!

Come wind doon frae the highest bough;
O come surf frae waves o’ the sea:
Carry them up tae Heaven now;
And in peace, lay their souls tae be.

At Grierson’s hand their fate did fall -
Bound tightly on a lowtide stake:
Both bold an’ true tae their call -
As waves o’er them, did rise an’ break.

Ashes to ashes; dust to dust;
When TRUTH is Treason Freedom dies;
Immortal wings tae a’ things just:
We remember.... when the wind sighs.

Here westlin’ winds, o’er Wigtown blaw
Here spirits haunt the morning mist;
And when Maytime rains do fa’,
The are seen, where the shore is kisst.

Patrick Scott Hogg

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