Geoff Warden - Remembrance of celestial Being!

2014-06-13 0

'Tis the depth of a stateless sleep
no crossing of shadows past
an' yet unto this day the ever present
breath of whisperin' wind upon leaves...

The sky how it has shaken
the ground how it hath turn
the chains how they have bound
the connection of her heart an' mine

wast it that fate hath it's plan
or could that it be something more
shouldth that it be unresolved
nor be it unto the sky

She be the death of mine last breath
an' the beat of mine mortal life
'twas not thine sin brought forth
just a foolish thought of strife

Unto this day the truth remains
an untold story of thine shame
yet the burden of thy beast
alas they shalt feast

Geoff Warden