Dr John Celes - The Holy Bible

2014-06-13 35

The Bible has the keys to heaven’s gates!
The living God (One most High) speaks, it states;
Its stories are real including dates;
The God of love and goodness, sin, He hates.

The bible tells the ways, Christians should live;
First place to soul’s upliftment, man must give;
The more we read, the more wisdom we get;
The ‘blind and deaf’ will one day much regret.

The Bible speaks of many mysteries;
Old Testament is full of histories;
“Every word will come true, ” the Lord, God says.
The man is saved who well repents and prays!

All men must read the bible’s every page;
When life is lived by it, you turn a sage;
The gospel tells of Jesus Christ’s message;
For men who live in sins, hell is the wage!
Copyright by Dr John Celes 9-7-2006

Dr John Celes
