I hear them cry
Sad songs of
Love lost,
Dreams splintered,
Chords of no certain composure.
It filters through
The trees and little
Tufts of new leaves
To settle on the ground
Among last years' dead.
They spark little
Glimpses of magic
As if touched by
A faerie wand
Or a loving hand...
The tone deepens,
With hope of
New birth and
Tomorrow's recognition.
You'll never find
The lyrics of this new song
In the blank faces
And wearied souls
Around you.
They hang,
Planted like blades of
New grass and
Hopes lay tiny dots like
The ants that cross them.
So where will you stand
When you hear this song?
What will you do when
You recognize the tune?
This song in the green forest
Of your time grows slower,
Now who will you take
To love you, little girl?
They are calling for you.
Tsani Jones