Tsani Jones - A Tale of Strawberries

2014-06-13 7

We shared words of anger
Earlier in the day.
You replied,
'We'll settle this,
Once and for all, '
And I was handed a strawberry jar.

I look at it in
The container, where
It lies, floating along
In a sea of honey,
Like a ship out on
The ocean.

The red of its skin
Reaches my eyes
Like a tapestry,
Reminding me of
The blood that flows,
And the heart that beats in each of us.

I notice the seed
Outside, like so many
Events in our lives
That have grown,
Taken root,
And blossomed.

As I begin to speak,
You calmly utter,
'Shut up.' And
Selecting on
Carefully, in your gentle
Way, pop it delicately in my mouth.

I taste the sweet
Of the honey,
Then sllightly sour,
Sweet once again.
As I chew, I think
In my bull-headed way.

I remember the sweetness
Of our first glance,
The first kiss,
And the first time I
Held you gently as a china doll
And made love to you.

Sour reminds me, makes
Me recollect of times
When we disagree and argue.
How it feels to be united,
And ultimately, how lost I'd be
In this world without your love.

The re-emergence of the
Strawberry sweet tells
This stubborn heart
Nothing can be as
Beautiful and perfect
As loving you, and only you.

My mouth holds the
Lingering flavors,
Sweet - Sour - Sweet,
The history of our lives,
And our mutual answer.
So I share it with you.

Tsani Jones
