Timothy muggaga - Healing Stripes

2014-06-13 0

Look upon the hills,
Where the greatest light stands.
Listen to the voice of hope:
That healing has come
Taste the waters from life,
From the spring of redemption.

A monster traverses the earth.
With haste, chewing up humanity.
Casting the flesh into the grave.
It traps the innocent with its poisonous fangs
And in a deep pit, their hopes end

The master visits the remnant,
With grace, he rewards hope for despair
Redeeming the soul, reviving hope
He knows all the pleasures of life
But tastes the passion
That he should save a despairing people
Healing stripes
That tore his flesh to mend our wound.
Sweet sorrow
That exchanged his glory for our joy
The master reigns, while the monster fades

Timothy muggaga


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