You display things known, unknown
In ways, I can’t imagine;
You teach me so lovingly
Most things, I need to know.
You unravel secrets great
To curious searching earthlings;
You reveal to men who seek,
The glorious works of God.
You share beauty’s treasure trove
That’s hidden to most eyes.
You infuse the knowledge base
That all on earth need most.
You heal wounds of mind and heart
That science cannot ever heal;
You give joy to pining souls
That world can never give.
You help poor, born upon earth
To sleep in peace ’midst peril;
You unleash your furious work
When men will not repent.
Mother Nature, I love you –
Heart of God’s love, unfolded;
Remains your might unfathomed,
Till God ushers Doomsday!
Copyright by Dr John Celes 6-16-2009
Dr John Celes