Robert Leary - Last Night

2014-06-13 1

Thanks for last night.
For once I awoke and felt whole.
Not that we’ll ever be together again
Only time holds the answer to that question
And time can be so mischievous.
There was a certain closure.
My giving you your Valentine Poems,
Our being able to be comfortable together
Joke, laugh and enjoy whatever it is
We have together and not feel the bleeding
Tenseness’ that always left me empty
As I, perhaps more than you, tried to understand
And deal with my feelings.
There’s a certain honesty about you that I admire
On one hand and deplore on the other.
It’s you, and it’s one of your most endearing qualities,
A quality you have almost to a flaw.
Sometimes in our conversation
I feel like we’re walking through an English garden
And all of a sudden we stop
And we’re staring down into a deep abyss
Where one step more would mean death.
I guess we like taking things to the edge
And together standing there
Staring into the primordial emptiness that’s life.
Is this the basis for a relationship? Perhaps,
Who knows….?

Robert Leary