Dave Buss - Behind Closed Doors

2014-06-13 22

Who would dare become so bare
As to open up one’s heart and share their despair
In this world you see, no one’s soul is free, to escape the standards set by thee.
The days go by, and the pain persists, and it becomes harder to resist
Behind closed doors, to hide the shame, she finds a bottle who would blame
Before too long she is fully withdrawn, under its spell, control over her life now is gone.
Without regards for family and friends, no escape can be, the bottle has taken a life from me.
A beautiful angel, I loved her so much, why did I have to lose her to the bottles false light.
She died today, I miss her so much… her smile, her kisses and her soft touch…
God Bless you my love, you now are free, to live outside the limits set by thee.

Dave Buss
