Wish a Happy Independence Day to all my Indian brothers and sisters
And they include all, from corporate honchos to factory labours.
Let's work hard to make India a country of dream
And for that we all need to work as a team.
Don't let anything to bring any disunity among us
Whether the issue is political, ethnical, lingual or religious.
Let there be no victim of any social or legal injustice
Let there be no room for any corruption and malpractice.
Let there be no poverty, which compels a mother to sell her baby
Let there be no hunger, that forces people into beggary.
Let there be no unemployment, that sinks the youths into frustration
Let's ensure that no Indian child is denied the basic school education.
All these may sound to be utopian, but we must not feel shy
If we are honest in our endeavour, we may achieve that high.
Raja Basu