Youth keep all your glorious age
For length of years in this world you live
Learn not in midst of wicked
Retain God’s promises unfade
Your life spends more open wide
Your strengths still breath at your side
Make much of that time
Till last to rest is fine
Be not scared whatever be tide
Nor to appall when storms abide
Patiently face the transient test
And you gain wondrous grace
Wind of temptation and urge today
Besets unto you day by day
From an earthly pleasure vainly play
This joy grows dim its fame fade away
Enjoy not all lustful happiness
Neglect the wings the desire of evil things
Be courteous to walk in heaven appointed ways
And yes! You’ll live God’s righteousness
Show off the strength of your youth
Be brave to follow the path of truth
Gratefully seeking to serve His name
The name of God with Holiness remain
Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan