Bron Dilys Teashop
Of Threadneedle Alleyway,
Swaddled in a pinafore
And cosseted in lace,
Soon charmed the borough boys
When she sang long for the scallywags
Or served up sweet tyshan lap
With her famous welsh cakes.
Her soft-breasted menu
Of cariad and comfort,
Her short tacky temper
Emblazed her blue eyes,
Dai Jones ate those long legs
Alive in the bara brith
And deep-delved her laverbread
With his brandysnap lies.
Then was Tilly Tongue-fit
Sweet cuddled in the marigold
With muddling Tom Tiddle-O
And his calico cat,
Dan Rees called for 'cave-o'
As Tom stoked the middle-up
To watch for the Billy Boyo
And Moll Thunderclap.
Long years now I've wondered
At the conjure of your alleyway;
Does Bron Dilys Jiggle-O
Still sup bara caws,
Does Willy the Wag now
Still wriggle in the coal-hole
With a mouth full of marigolds
And a handful of yours?
I spend my mind dreaming
Of cariad and comfort,
Of tight fitting pinafores
In parlour and bower,
Her bonnet up-ended
In the spell of welsh rare-bits
Sweet tasted, willy nilly-o
Back when, in Bryn Mawr.
19 February 1981
David Lewis Paget