Dana Koons - After The Storm

2014-06-13 4

A raging, wet and raucous night evolved into a glorious dawn,
I walked alone with restless heart and lingered for the coming calm,
When eerie mist from meadow parted way,
Steel blue sunbeams pierced the clouds of ivory and gray.

Mystic light from heavens bowel, like hands, reached out to rain swept earth,
Delighted were the swelling buds awaiting season’s birth,
Waning was the chill of night and winters frosty days,
A rainbow cast it’s vibrant hues through last of morning’s haze.

Everywhere were lively scents upon the springtime breeze,
Winds of change had quilted marsh with fluffy cattail seeds,
The honeysuckle thickets teemed with butterflies in flight,
Dripping wet, a spider web glistened in the light.

Rolling thunder from afar gently murmured last good-byes,
From forest deep came echoed sweet a peepers lullaby,
Hurriedly, a swollen stream sought the distant sea,
From hidden perch a robin burst and sang victoriously.

An aged oak of noble rank lay victim to the lightning’s power,
Resting there, I watched as bees worked the newborn flowers,
When from afar came caws of crows, heavy eyes began to close,
Something primal welled within and made content a sullen soul.

It seemed but for a moment my mind had gone to dream,
My head upon the ragged bark encased in mossy green,
To scurry of a squirrel I woke in sunny midst of morn,
And one last drip, romantic rhythmic drip….after the storm.

Dana Koons
