Angel Croshier - Hands

2014-06-13 1

Her hand warm in mine
kept us both warm
In the cold night air

No one understands
What we feel
How fragile we are

Her hand in mine
caused me to open up
caused tears to spill

She squeezed my hand
Then I squeezed hers
To show I care

They didn't understand
How much we mean
to each other

They don't know how
alone I am if she's
Not with me

Her hand in mine
leads me through
the darkness

We tenderly wipe
away each other's tears
and rub each other's back

Her hand would never
strike me and
I would never strike her

Our hands clasped
together, shows us
as sisters, not freaks

No one understands
why our hands need
the contact

Her hand warm in mine
Makes the world go away
And its just us

Nothing is wrong
but if she lets go
I feel cold and alone

They don't understand
How cold and lonely
the world is with out her

She brings warmth
just by holding my hand
and I pray she never lets go

Cuz if she does
I'll fall into eternal darkness
and the world will die away

Angel Croshier

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