Nick Sym - Forgotten Marker

2014-06-13 1

Through the thick damp mist,
of the cold dark night
I walk the trails of the evergreen
stepping in shallow puddles of mud,
a faint light ahead is seen

Curiosity fills my mind,
as a cold sweat covers my skin
This is an area unfamiliar to me,
A place without absolute sin

The light gently lands on a mound of dirt,
a smooth stone barely protruding it's head
Trying to walk away with my fear,
My legs are made of lead

Both hands covered in blood, my treasure now exposed
Writing from a ghostly finger appears on the flat,
To my love who mysteriously disappeared,
I will always love you, Pat

The marker was cleansed and set up straight,
the time I have spent was with no regret
This man who has been buried I will never know,
But the experience I will never forget.

By Nick Sym

Nick Sym

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