To all my friends
I just want to say
Thank you for being there
Every step of the way
We've cried tears of laughter
And tears of pain
Only to make us stronger
Never in vain
So many memories
I can recall
From the first day of school
To goofing off in the hall
I'm proud of all my friends
How they represent
Our school, but most of all God
No matter where we went
Soon we will all go
Down different roads
To become who God intended
With the highest hopes
We will look back
With a tear in our eye
Wishing to be there
Just one more time
God has a plan my friend
For each one of you
If to God and yourself
You'll only stay true
To my best friends
I love you all
For years I'll envision
Those crowed halls
This part of our life
We can never live again
Just treasure forever
This time with our friends
When we take that final walk
In our cap and gown
On our way to forever
From our little town
Some will make it big
Some won't really care
No matter their end
To all I offer my prayer
God please, watch over
My class of 2006
Go be with each one
As forever now begins
So if I don't see you forever
Your always in my heart
The friends who made me
The person I depart
*I wrote this for my son {Class Of 2006}
Lagaya Evans