The bus rolled on
Seven ndred kilometeds,
through towns, villages,
Hills, over the the rivers,
To end up in my home town
Near my village,
Which I visited from by homeown
Smelling the paddy fields,
To waken my memories
Of childhood around
My old house, school
The girls, friends
Who have aged with me
Along with the woman
Who was born one day ahead
Who looks after my fields
Me staying with my fretful
Mother in law and sisters in laws
Still tied by the old rules
Of virginity and dameful shyness
My wife fighting for more share
Of her properites
Getting it to be richer
By amillion dollars, but tired
Of partioning arguments,
Me smiling at the goings on
The growth fo country side
Into a modern suburb
With plush houses and cars
Plying on the roads
where even a bullock cart
Was rare and luxury
A fotry years ago,
And chewing the cud
Of memeories of school
Colleges, beauties bus rides
And my infatuation for wenches
To the beautiful ones,
Never ending anywhere,
But to end up in the metro
To do and an exexutive,
Lastly saying good bye,
To my relatives, hometown
And village which made me
Into a man with understanding
Of the world everyone lives in.
Ravikiran Arakkal