When days of doubt and trials come,
and we know they will;
There is no need to be afraid,
God is with us still.
In our darkest hour of need,
when things dont work out right;
We need not be afraid,
God keeps us in his sight.
For things in life are fickle,
and change from day to day;
But the love of Jesus Christ
will never pass away!
So do not cling to the world,
and all that lies therein;
But rather cling to Jesus Christ,
and claim victory over sin.
For we do not belong to Saten,
and the world in which he lives,
But rather to Jesus Christ,
and the life he gives.
For God so loved the world,
this we know is true;
That he sent his only son,
to die for me and you.
To break the chains of saten,
and set all captives free;
To give all men the power,
to claim sweet victory.
So let this love of Jesus Christ,
cover this life you live;
And you will find sweet peace and rest,
in the blessings that he gives.
Dwayne Bailey