Poets, Readers, and Etc.,
How can you be so hateful? You comment everysingle poem you see, But when you get to a line where it includes 'God' 'Jesus' or anything related to that, You just click the 'next poem' button...Or even if those words are included in the title, You do the same thing! But why? Seriously, WHY? Why do you have to be this hateful? Is it because you are trying to impress someone? Well who cares? Show the love you have inside, quit trying to impress someone, and read a poem about God! Who knows, it might be worth it, it might change your life, or it might not. All i have to say to you, is quit being a pu**y! Click on a poem that has to do with God, read it, and then leave a comment.
Love Always
Selena Star