Bob Gotti - Age of Grace

2014-06-13 0

Now is the time of God’s Favor, today dear friend, not tomorrow,
Today accept Christ as Savior, and eternally you’ll see no sorrow,
This is the day of God’s Salvation, an offer by God to everyone,
Given through God’s Revelation, Jesus Christ, His begotten Son.

Today He’ll hear you as you call; as you’re moved by His Grace,
To save you from Adam’s fall, as you seek the Light of His face.
God’s made a way, for all men, to live with Him in Heaven above,
As we stand today condemned, He saves us in the Savior’s love.

In this Age of Grace which we live, God sent His Son to all of us,
To man, with eternal life to give, to all who in Him place their trust.
And the Lord comes to live within, each and every believing heart,
As Christ saves us from all sin, to be the friend who won’t depart.

New Life Christ gives to all men, this to live anew upon this earth,
This as they are Born Again; born of God through a spiritual birth.
God sends The Spirit, as our guide, as we begin to live New Life,
The Spirit helps us to abide, in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

All that we need, we get from God, as He sustains us, every day.
God helps us on this earthly sod, to walk along life’s narrow way.
All you need to do is to believe, in the Grace from God’s Throne,
And you too, Christ will receive, as God makes you His very own.

(Copyright ©08/2007)

Bob Gotti