Patricia Gale - Boot Strap Betty Soap Opera

2014-06-13 3

Now Boot Strap Betty was a fine lady
She knew how to cook
And not from a book
When she was young the apple of her daddy

She could shoot a gun
A good heart and head shot she was
Never shot a person or animal just cause
Yes and she knew how to have fun

Dreaming of love
Hoping and a praying she could find the one for life
One that would make her his wife
And listen to the cooing of a dove

She could grow vegetables and lovely gardens
One with plants tall as her
Why she could even skin a deer’s fur
She adored Ireland and all the glens

Taught well by her southern roots
How to take care of a mate
But finding him proved to be an endless fate
She had a thing for older men but not the old’ coots

Now Boot Strap Betty loved to be held and give love back
But it had to hold love and attraction
Nothing less not one fraction
So she made her a dream man called Ireland Jack

Now Ireland Jack he was fine
Sweet, strong and one of a kind
Why he was refined and redesigned
With lips sweet as cherry wine

Miss Betty opened the door er’ night
To her make believe Ireland Jack
Boy howdy was he one fine daddy mac
Who danced with her in the stars twinkling light

Sweet Miss Betty would often say I found my knight
He doesn’t have a steed
And for him to be real was her plead
I wish I may I wished I might was always her plight

Will Boot Strap Betty ever find a real Ireland Jack? Could she change her mind to British Ben? Or would American Al be the one? Or Canadian Captain Carl?

Stay tune for the next episode of Boot Strap Betty to find out how her world turns.

Patricia Gale