Elizabeth Jacqueline Mpanga - My Luke Warm Experience

2014-06-13 5

When I think of you, I am reminded of a sweet and sour taste,
You evoke in me the most wonderful feelings,
You bring out traits in me that I never knew, it’s like a discovery every moment that I think of you,
A brand new discovery of self,
I can sit all day and think of you and dream, bitter sweet dreams.
Its amazing how with every beautiful thought a sad one surfaces, its like sweet and sour sauce,
You make me happy yet sad, feel so much love yet hate love,
My heart and mind are at war,
They just can’t seem to agree no matter how much they fight,
No one is ready to concede defeat, sometimes I get scared they will kill each other yet they don’t.
I adore you and despise you,
Only you can bring out that lukewarm sensation in me.
You have a way with me; you know just what to say to make me smile,
Yet you know just what to do to make me cry.
My mind wants you as a memory yet my heart weeps with longing for you,
Hoping that one day you will see just how much you have enchanted her.
She is confused and in a haze, crippled with fear.
She longs to feel the blissful feeling that made her smile once,
That blissful feeling that made me smile whenever I saw your face.
You are me sweet and sour, bitter-sweet, bohemian rhapsody,
You are my lukewarm experience.

elizabeth jacqueline mpanga

Elizabeth Jacqueline Mpanga
