Just Fred - why god why?

2014-06-13 10

I sit here asking why
And you never answer so I cry
And when I cry Chad the spotty nurse asks me why
I cant look him in the eye

Why did you make my Elisabeth go crazy?
That tumour ate her mind
I'd come home from Bingo
N'er knowing what I'd find

Her naked on the lawn
Smearing faeces on the neighbours car
My faith is torn
And my bottom hurts from the prostrate you gave me that doubles as a cushion when I sit down, a cushion of torture. Thanks for that.

Why God Why?
Does your master plan involve me living so long
When you took my Elisabeth away?

Hitler had a master plan
Are you one and the same?
Except he didnt leave me to rot sitting in my own poop to afraid to tell Chad the spotty nurse that I have gone 'whoopsy' again.
Hitler didnt make my darling wife so poorly that she accused me at volume so the neighbours heard her of me having sexual relations with next doors cat.

Hitler was evil
Why God WHY?

Because you made him thats why.

Just Fred
