Ramona Thompson - America A-Z

2014-06-13 9

All for ourselves and never anything for anyone else
Bloated, greedy nation of fat cats is what we have sadly become
Curious only about much more we can stuff into our already overfed mouthes
Don't know about you, but I'm damn ashamed to be an American in today's society
Everybody thinks they're always right, never once can they be wrong
Fighting and starting wars over stupid trivial little things
Hard headed full of hot air fools
I can hardly believe that these people are my fellow Americans
Jerking one another around as we were all one another's personal puppets
Killing, cheating and stealing seems to have become our newest motto
Losers one and all
Moving, pushing, and shoving to knock down anyone who stands in our way
Not even caring if they're old or feeble
Only one thing matters in our lazy race to have winner take all
Pathetic waste of God given flesh
Queens in drag, dumb no talent blond movie stars, and other sinful immortal trash
Run this country right down into the ground and it looks like it's only gonna get worse from here
Sucks don't it
Too bad that Jesus seems to have washed his hands of us all
Useless and oh so cruel to one another
Violence and sex outside the bonds of marriage rule
Where angels and purity fear to thread
You want something, somewhere better to raise a family?
Zurely you won't find it here in America the land of the devil's enslaved ones

Better to move and move on quick
Overseas where they're really free
Free to be what this land once upon a time used to be

2008 Ramona Thompson

Ramona Thompson
