Michael Gale - A Life Without My Futured Wife!

2014-06-13 3

Rose thorns prick at finger's carelessness
mishandled, causing blood droplets to drip,
This in turn leaves stains of red, Pain and
discomfort, soon does follow, A pained, sorrow
disappointment spreads across one's face,
This in turn gives sadness, it's unwanted
place! Those roses delivered, that were
returned, All my hopes and loving favors,
were rudely refused and spurned! How can i
wish to cope? , As when you've said no and
nope! Slings of sadness, weigh down my back,
There is no room for this aching heart's
slack! Try as i must to go on with my life,
It's my total saddened misfortune, to
remove you, as hoped, to one day, to be my
wife! 11-29-2005'.

Michael Jeffrey Gale

Michael Gale
