Michael Gale - Bit By The Love Bug, Under The Moon Light.

2014-06-13 5

A moon all bright that filters down to Earth...
In all it's light, Love's own birth.

A birthing feeling of awing of heart...
Of love for another, that does, never depart.

Feelings to share...
Of one, to care.

Romance shining, from darkness ed, night...
Always, there, beautifully-bright.

Love, oh love, ever to flight...
Kiss to me, my love-goodnight.

This once lone heart, now beats in refreshed breath, just taken...
On purpose, instead of chance, last taken.

Purposeful of heart, as if in thought...
Thankfully of you, to me, fate had brought.

Moon beamed mist's of spray laid down to me...
Love full bloom, hap-ply, set me free.

Now my life anew of Love's own plight....
Caring all the more, happily sent, delight.

Beyond all caring, for Love's own-fight....
This war of the heart, to me, won, right.

God's prayer by me, requesting banishment of
the alones, of love....
By the power of the moon, and from, mighty He has, above.

This once one broken shattered heart....
At last for now, can relive, and start.

Look at this heart, finally learn to jump, pump, jump...
At last, by God, will, it successfully pump.

This, one last, happy ending....
Stays close to thy heart, and always of feelings, after, sending.

This love will always stay so tight...
Tighter than the tightest wallet, looking to spend.

Oh so tight...this love, so bright.

No darkness of heart shall encloud me tight...
Good night sweet love-good night, this night.

Michael Gale
