Michael Gale - We Men Can Make Mistakes But Not Our Own God.

2014-06-13 6

Words-They can help or hurt or even harm...
I've learned that all the above happens by the hand aided arm.

The pen or quil can be mightier than the sword...
If you look closely just remove the letter s off the front of sword and then you have nothing more than a word.

Words are miracles of the mind's imagination...
Doing this beats out just doing the practice of procrastination.

Words in poetry is like an artist's paint brush just a painting pictures
of the well imagined mind...
You can read with your ears even if your sight or imagination has no
depth or you are even visually blind.

Colors so splendid as sweet taste for the taste bud's eyes...
We know of no other crime or verbal lies.

Color is the spectrum of the rainbow's hues...
This bow's arc is God's promise to man not to die by water flooding
or us to lifely end earth's ending's to lose.

Colors are God's paint to our eyes...
God cannnot tell any such lies.

God keeps his promises kept stern...
Will we die from flames that does not drown but only does burn?

Nature is God's creatures and vegetational growth...
That was God's promise to man, the rainbow's growth in written in the bible's known as forwarnedly his promised own oath.

Was this bow His well kept word? ...
Many of His children have read as well as have been readly heard.

Man and woman is God's best art...
Designed by He from a real proud father's heart.

Michael Gale
