Michael Gale - Let's Just Go Out Tonight And Both Get Postal.

2014-06-13 8

Stick it stick it stick it true.....
Lick it lick it lick it da' glue.
Bet ya thawt i t'was talkin bout somthin dirty too.
Lets lick dose stamps fer da postage due...
Valentine's Day t'will come all about.
If yew don't getta card-don't cry or pout...
Don't stamp and rant and shout you loute.
Just maybbe da mailman done forgot his route...
Da mailman sometimes don't deliver to da right address.
He cannot show off his IQ to others to impress...
Let's give dat dumb mailman his well deserved boot.
Hope he don't get mad or go to werk with loaded gun to aim an shoot.
Dat wooldn't be smart, or even too cute.
Did ya here about the mailman dat got a dog bite while on his route? ...
Ya shoold'a herd him cuss an even screm'n shout.
Lets go postal an lets not be too bright...
Twomorrow i'll be in jail, perhaps git raped an fight.
Nobuddy ever said dat mailmen were too bright...
After all dey dew is lose our freight.
Day deliver it wrong or dey deliver it way too much late...
Have u ever seen da postage not go up in price every two
to six month's?
People gettin' shottup insidda post offices is da usual seen affronts...
Ya can usually still hear the victims bloody screams an grunts.
Let's go postal...
Not too far or too much down the ol'e coastal.
Boom, boom, boom is what's usually heard...
A lotta people's bodily functions dropp on da floor alotta pee and
a stinky brown tird.

Michael Gale
