Michael Gale - Depressional Sadness, Released By Satin's Army.

2014-06-13 7

Chances in life, per say can be at an all time low...
The life ebbing onto our feet, fro' riptide's movements against and slow.
Haught the naught'd depression'd sweep...
Ne'er to be over our heads as a darkend cloud, or in our hearts, as
grown deep inside, to reluctantly accept and keep.
Mesmerizing trances of translucent pain, gains a toe-hold, to our
worn live's, as easily as a clothing blotted as with an unremovable,
stubborned stain of pain...
Lets wash our dirty laundry and release it's stainly pain, fro' our
livid clothing like experiences.
No more abstaining, no more remaining stagnated with an undulating sorrow'd ungladdened...
Rush to rub out that vile dirtied bundle of mis-shapened id of saddened, unclean.
Smile and start a new day being positive and happy...
Remove that sorrowed feeling fro' your being.
Cheer up and move on in life, You'll be happy, you'll be more the
It'll all become real clear as rain, no more sadness and no more pain.
This is the whole picture in life that you'll actually be seeing.
Unpositively positive for life...
Search for and find that very elusive husband or wife.
Make life complete, without an unhappied strife.
Amen and God bless my mess.

Michael Gale
