Deplete and replenish...
Desolate and diminish.
Harken as to thy heart...
Quickened to brain as
sharpened thy smart.
Slacken thy hold as done
by thy wife...
Bested lesson-lessen o' strife.
I bid thee speak...
I bid ye tell.
Does ominious oven'th of
womb grow and swell? ...
Does one babe bi-lovingly tri-birthed?
Is this baby's soul diversely perged fro' deepened unearthed? ...
Inflamed glowering eyes of darkest blackish nights.
Tis' other eviled vile creatures that creates unsuspecting images
of horrifying invoking of frights...
Relinquish thy hold on mere mortal man.
Devil will throughout world history-Say and honestly, plan
and replan for sake of Devil's evil own inherited clan.
Michael Gale