Michael Gale - Nasty Perfumes Make Me Really Ticked Off And Makes Me Angrily Fumes

2014-06-13 4

A peaceful meeting of the minds...
Can compose songs to the listener's taste.
Complete compromise...
Old Spice after shave and cologne, can offend a nose
too near and preciouse to one's self.
Complete obviouse-to fact-that such odor
producing bottles should have been kept unused upon thy
medicine cabinet's closed mirrored shelf...
A lot of perfumes can stink up the air.
Do not tell the user because they really do not honestly care...
Other perfumed odors can really to one's own nostrils, blandly bore.
While'st others make it's wearers smell like cheap French whores...
Trash those odors that be bottled...
If you wear it, you should thoroughly be throttled.
Red Door and others may offend my nose....
If i catch you, my bride, wearing that lotion.
I'll hose you down in the driveway, that's my best thought out notion.

Michael Gale
