Michael Gale - Crimes Most Punished Of Times.

2014-06-13 8

Why are car salesmen so dishonest?
Accident attorneys are ambulance chasers equipped with police scanners in their home and office and cars.
Dishonest judges and politicians are constant liars.
Gullable clients are uninformed unsuspecting buyers.
Child molesters and killers need to be removed from our city streets.
Rapist's need to be shot between the sheets.
Killers and their like should be sent to stay on a large deserted island.
They can kill each other and be on their own.
That would be justice commited by them far away from us and totally alone.
Maybe sex offenders could have their sex organs removed.
This in turn would keep the filthy scum from getting their tools stuck in unwanted grooves.
Money is what impregnates greed to crime.
Crooks should stay locked up for all eternity's time.
When will hell on earth meet it's end?
Jesus Christ one day will come down to judge and to all justly tend.

Michael Gale


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