Bob Gotti - Faith of The Saints of Old

2014-06-13 4

The faith of the saints of old, is recorded in Scripture of us to behold,
Believers today in God of the past, whose faithful ways eternally last.
Past men and women of the faith, were kept by His Amazing Grace,
Looking always to God’s Love, for guidance and comfort from above.

Upon Moses, God had His hand, to guide him to the Promised Land,
The land of promise which He swore, to Abraham many years before.
And before Moses, it was his Mom, who was in The Almighty’s palm,
As she placed her baby in the reeds, relying on God for all his needs.

God then sent Pharaoh’s daughter, to find her baby upon the water,
As a son she would take him in, but God had his Mother care for him.
Moses was then raised up in luxury, as his people were far from free,
But God would use Moses the man, as deliverer from Pharaoh’s hand.

Moses would lead every Israelite, through the Red Sea by God’s might,
Today just like Moses at the exodus, in Christ, God can deliver all of us.
The Pharaohs that come into our life, are no task at all for Jesus Christ,
And as the Eternal Children of God, He goes with us wherever we trod.

God raised Christ up triumphantly, for today’s believers like you and me,
To help us through the seas we face, through the water by God’s Grace.
Scripture’s best example is God’s Son, who God raised up for everyone,
Now in the hollow of God’s Hand, we’ll reach His Eternal Promised Land.

(Copyright ©10/2006)

Bob Gotti