They're selfish, these kids how they shun
Meat that's not cooked to well done.
They should have tried living off briars,
Back before Ugh brought us fire.
These parents they don't understand.
We are no longer ape, we are man.
They settled with light and with heat
But we taught them fire will cook meat.
They're lazy, these kids how they don't
Do anything other than want.
They should have tried plowing that field,
Back before we got the wheel.
These parents they're lost in tableau.
They forget near as much as they know.
That wheel was a downright disgrace,
Until we put the axle in place.
They're senseless, these kids how they moan,
To the World, of State and the home.
They should have known long winter nights,
In days before Edison's light.
These parents they're deaf, dumb and blind.
They stumble and tumble through time.
Their light led to sword slaying pen.
Our light is our love for all men.
Gerry Gilman