Michael Gale - God's Stairway Up To Heaven!

2014-06-13 10

I walked to the stairs leading up to Heaven,
The breeze so peaceful as ever divine! God
looked down at me with spirituality
revealed, My God loves thee with proud
devotion, Creating me was His loving notion!
My God was present when i spiritually died,
I then came around to believe in Him, now
forever, He is no longer denied! God inspires
me to do my best, He is constantly giving me
a test! It is my journey to help out my
fellow man, God has me do it to the best as
i can! Love is delivered down to my pike, God
loves me, as do others that i may like! To
aid others is His grand of plans, Perfection
is what God does of me to demand! How can i
fulfill his plan? Years ago from Him, i did
so ran! Praise to Him up above, To Him and
all men, i should show that i love!
Jesus arose from his tomb, The Virgin mother
did carry him in the womb! Jesus died on the
cross for our sins, Thanks to Him, we
assuredly win! Mankind cannot continue
without Him, Not even for man's very own
whim! God will send Jesus down to us, To stop
this mad world's violent greedy misdirected
crush! Judgement day will then arrive, We then
will be spiritually as whole, and spiritually
alive! 11-08-2005'.

Michael Jeffrey Gale

Copyright ©2005 Michael Jeffrey Gale

Michael Gale
