I dreamed I went to Heaven, and saw Jesus
Standing there, his face all aglow
Awaiting my coming with arms wide open
To tell me things I always wanted to know
He spoke like a waterfall, as words
So peacefully flowed from his mouth, as he said:
“Be ye not afraid for it is I”
He was more beautiful than I ever imagined
I so wanted to cry!
He said: “there will be no more tears here,
For you have reached that peaceful shore”
I fell down and worshipped him and said to him:
“Oh Jesus, it is you, whom I adore”!
We began our eternal walk for he had
So much there for me to see and do
Yet he allowed me to send one more message to you:
“He said to tell you he loves you, and wants to see
You in Heaven too”
©Copyright Becky LaPrarie 2005
Becky LaPrarie