Judy Hill - Lying and Cheating

2014-06-13 22

You know sometimes you can love someone so much that you are blind. You know they cheating and you know they lying. You think the love is so strong that it couldn’t be true, but still yet still it’s happening to you. Well let me explain to you what I’m saying is true.

His lips are so soft when they touch
you, you’re at ease,

Never realize that those same lips,
someone else they please.

His hands touch you softly as he
blows in your ear,

You never know that he does the
same thing to someone else to ease
away their fears.

In his mind he’s caressing her while
he is actually caressing you,

Saying he loves you, but he tells her
that too.

Having a man that lies and cheat is
a hurtful and dangerous thing to go

I hope this don’t happen to any of

Judy Hill
