see fee lee - My Beloved Mum I Sent You Today Skies

2014-06-13 3

My beloved mum,
I sent you photo of today skies
On the way to court for speeding offend
As I look from the train high up the skies
A plane flies above unreachable it seem
I toke a photo and capture the plane
It told me we aren’t far away and touching
Just like daily I sent you photo of today skies
Everyday you can see beautiful blues skies
I am happy nothing to be worry only smiley
And this plane especially takes your son treasured heart
To my beloved mum to touch and feel the bottom heart of my
Oh my beloved mum even we so far far away
Our heart and soul touches much and more loving
Daily I sent photo of today skies mum happy to see
Everyday we together never seem been away
Mother birth to child bold forever even living afar
Touches bottom hearted treasure and stay forever
Daily together we see the bright skies and the night skies
Good morning my son, Good night my beloved mum
I love you so much

From your son far far away
Sent you photo of today skies
Loving you beloved mum FOREVER
Big hugs cuddles and kisses

see fee lee