George Murdock - Rush

2014-06-13 2

The fat man was getting his load
He had eaten a ham sandwich
And ten oxycontin
He was toying with his tie
And flipping it like Oliver Hardy
He was trying to lasso the microphone
Which hung in front of him along with a photo
Of a B movie actor who played a president
In a very important role
As leader of the free world
The fat man felt the hillbilly heroin
Working through the clot of ham
He felt a churning which slowly ceased
As the warm fuzzy calmed the grumbling rotund belly
“It is great to be king “
And then he began his attack
Still flipping his tie
And grabbing the mike with a pudgy dick- skinner
He assaulted a former president who had immoral
And carnal activity with a young page
And condemned the whole lib bunch as weak
And drug dependent… of all things!
He said the libs were Sadam loving wimps
And would sell the country out cause they were nothing
But a bunch of girlie boy Bush haters
And he meant another kind of bush
And it was the kind of bush which excites most red blooded
American males
The sound booth guys gave him thumbs up
During the commercial break
The fat man had a minute to waddle to the mens room
Down another ten oxycontin
He looked in the mirror above the commode and smiled a crooked smile
Gave himself a thumbs up
“ It’s a Rush to be me.”

George Murdock

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